Teens Yoga

Teens Yoga

Teens Yoga

The Teenage Power!

Teens Yoga is specially dedicated to teenagers to further promote self awareness while building character, confidence and positive attitude to tackle academic and social challenges in this growth spurt phase – their PERFECT companion in their quest to become a more effective and efficient student!

Instil effortless learning while enhancing memory capacity with various activities and stimulating adolescence minds and bodies for expression and development into adulthood.

Weekly: 105 minutes (1hr 45mins)

Why Teens Yoga?

Equalizes Energy

The multitude of yoga poses revitalises the adolescent bodies in this growth spurt stage. The high energy present in the adolescent is in need of proper channelization and yoga helps to revitalise low energy and tempers hyperactivity, giving them a physical and mental balance to march ahead.

Creates Healthy Body Image and Presence

The subtle and continuous awareness practices in a yoga lesson provide a strengthened internal perspective.  This helps teens to develop positive self-image sans media and other cultural influences, and decreases the self-consciousness and doubts that teens often feel about themselves. It also helps to cultivate emotional connection while combating both numbness and over reacting.

Improves Posture

Sedentary lifestyle and modern technologies have contributed to unsuspecting bad postural alignment. Spending massive amounts of time in front of a computer, whether it’s for homework or social networking, commonly leads to a hunched back and slumped shoulders. This undesirable posture translates into a negative nonverbal message when being presented in social groups. Yoga helps teens to develop the understanding of body mechanics, healthy movement patterns, and ideal postural alignment for a healthy self-presentation.

Increases Flexibility

Tight muscles can lead to tension headaches and various body aches and pains. This can become cumbersome when these conditions recur every so often. The practices of yoga can alleviate these issues, allowing the body the flexibility and comfort to focus on other important matters at hand.

Promotes Decision Making

Teens are constantly experimenting and pushing the limits to gauge their abilities. Yoga teaches teens to make choices that respect themselves and others, making them responsible individuals who are capable of making good and respectable decisions.

Builds Compassion

In its many forms of practices, Yoga opens the young minds to greater qualities of kindness, compassions, and non-violence. These qualities are important in every teen. When these qualities are present, they act as the synergy that creates a harmonious and functional community which are essential for the well-being of the young minds.

Students' words....

"When I was 13 years old, I was overweight and doctors said I could develop heart diseases if I continued to put on weight. I was looking for a solution to reduce body weight and be healthy. At that time, my cousin was attending the Teens Yoga classes conducted by MAYI Yoga Academy’s Super Yoga Kids in Brickfields.

I could literally see changes in him in terms of flexibility and health. He recommended yoga to me. My whole life changed after that."

- Seenevasan Naidu


In the Teens Yoga classes, we started to discover the benefits behind everything we did. After every asana, we were questioned on what we felt and how we felt. The benefits were now spoon-fed to us but we had to think about them and feel them for ourselves. Sometimes, when we couldn't feel anything or had difficulty in thinking of the benefits, we would be asked to perform that asana or technique again and again until we could feel it. 

Apart from the obvious benefits, Yoga helped me in many other ways. Most importantly, it gave me confidence. I gained this confidence by mingling with others since a young age, attending Yoga Camp and also by participating in yoga competitions. At the age of 17, the stage now feels like home to me, while spotlights and limelights don't bother me anymore. This confidence is what most children, teenagers and even some adults lack. 

Another benefit I gained from Yoga is the absence of stress in my life. As a student, many of us are bound to feel stressed due to peer pressure, workload and so on. But for me , my stress level has always been on the down low . Sometimes,  while others are stressing out over exams, I feel calm. When I asked about this calmness, my father, a yoga instructor himself, told me that it was the effect of Kriya Yoga and then he experiences the same feeling too. The lack of stress in my daily life helps me perform my duties better."

- Rutharra



12-17 yearsDamansaraSunday4.00pm - 5:15pmOn-going
12-17 yearsKlangSunday9.30am - 10.45amOn-going
12-17 yearsBrickfieldsSaturday10.30am - 11:45amOn-going
12-17 yearsSubangSaturday11:00am - 12:15pmOn-going

Teens Yoga Class Dates

Term Saturday Sunday
Jan - Mar 2020 04 Jan, 11 Jan, 18 Jan,
15 Feb, 22 Feb, 29 Feb,
07 Mar, 14 Mar, 28 Mar.
05 Jan, 12 Jan, 19 Jan,
16 Feb, 21 Feb,
01 Mar, 08 Mar, 15 Mar, 29 Mar.
Apr - Jun 2020 11 Apr, 18 Apr, 25 Apr,
02 May, 09 May, 16 May,
13 Jun, 20 Jun, 27 Jun.
12 Apr, 19 Apr, 26 Apr,
03 May, 10 May, 17 May,
14 Jun, 21 Jun, 28 Jun.
Jul - Sep 2020 04 Jul, 11 Jul, 18 Jul,
08 Aug, 15 Aug, 22 Aug,
05 Sep, 12 Sep, 19 Sep.
05 Jul, 12, Jul, 19, Jul,
09 Aug, 16 Aug, 23 Aug,
06 Sep, 13 Sep, 20 Sep.
Oct - Dec 2020 03 Oct, 10 Oct, 17 Oct, 24 Oct, 31 Oct
07 Nov.
04 Oct, 11 Oct, 18 Oct, 25 Oct,
01 Nov, 08 Nov.